Grief and anger after India crush kills 121

Most of the dead were women - killed as crowds left a packed religious gathering in Uttar Pradesh state.
2024-07-03 12:08:57

Anger after yacht fireworks spark Greece forest blaze

The mayor of tourist island Hydra says he will press charges against those who acted "irresponsibly" on the yacht.
2024-06-22 17:07:17

Two journalists reveal how they bore the brunt of fans' anger after exposing K-pop's dark underbelly.
2024-05-19 04:07:29

Starmer faces anger after Tory MP's defection

Natalie Elphicke has previously attacked Labour over policies including migration and taxes.
2024-05-09 01:06:24

Anger in Nigeria over levy on money transfers

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2024-05-08 17:07:59

South African anger over flag-burning poll advert

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2024-05-07 13:08:12

Sunak Struggles for Control in Face of Dire Polls and Tory Anger

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2024-03-18 21:08:21

Analysis-Mexico City mayoral race tightens on anger over water shortages

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2024-03-15 14:08:17

Drakeford surprised at level of anger over 20mph

Mark Drakeford has defended his record during his more than five years as Wales' first minister.
2024-03-14 11:09:24

Bereaved parents' anger at 'broken' online safety promise

The government denies watering down online protections promised to bereaved families.
2023-12-15 02:06:59

'Provocative' Vivek Ramaswamy border comments anger Canadians

The Republican argued the US should build a wall on the Canadian border to halt the flow of fentanyl.
2023-11-09 22:07:11

Spain's Sánchez secures power deal with Catalan separatists prompting anger

Pedro Sánchez's agreement is attacked by conservatives in Spain as opening a back-door to tyranny.
2023-11-09 16:08:05

Ugandan anger at plan to name road after slain tourists

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2023-10-27 13:17:55

Ugandan anger at plan to name road after slain tourists

Some people are unhappy there is no plan to have a memorial to the Ugandan guide killed in the attack.
2023-10-27 12:13:59

Egypt agrees to allow first aid trucks into Gaza as it reels from hospital blast

Egypt has agreed to allow aid trucks into Gaza as anger rises globally over Israel's siege of the isolated enclave in response to the brutal, coordinated Hamas attacks nearly two weeks ago.
2023-10-19 09:06:46

Gaza hospital explosion sparks anger and protests in Arab countries

A wave of anti-Israel protests erupted across the Middle East as anger escalated after the deadly Gaza City hospital blast which Palestinian officials in Gaza blamed on Israel.
2023-10-18 11:06:36

Anger erupts across Middle East over Gaza hospital blast as Biden travels to Israel

Protests erupted across the Middle East following the deadly explosion at a Gaza hospital as Israeli and Palestinian officials traded accusations over who was to blame just hours before US President Joe Biden is set to arrive in Tel Aviv.
2023-10-18 09:06:13

'Nobody could help us' - Shock and anger in Israel's Ashkelon

Many people are shocked at how their powerful security forces were overwhelmed by Hamas.
2023-10-08 23:07:11

Biden cannot escape Trump's shadow in border crisis

To the anger of his supporters, the US president is ramping up deportation and expanding the wall.
2023-10-08 06:07:06

The Libyan city that's become a barren wasteland with a smell of death

With lives in Libya washed away, anger mounts as people ask why they were told to stay at home.
2023-09-17 15:39:43

Japan redefines rape and raises age of consent in landmark move

The laws redefine rape and raise the age of consent from 13, after public anger over rape acquittals.
2023-06-16 10:13:47

Taiwan tells Elon Musk it is 'not for sale'

Mr Musk draws anger from Taipei again for his comments saying the island belongs to China.
2023-09-15 17:09:18

PGA Tour, LIV Golf & DP World Tour merger: Players 'shocked and angry'

Players have reacted with shock and anger to the PGA Tour & DP World Tour merging with breakaway circuit LIV Golf.
2023-06-07 05:07:08

Georgian anger as Russian flights land again in Tbilisi

Protesters and opposition groups denounce the first direct flight from Russia for nearly four years.
2023-05-19 20:14:37

US, South Korea Start Live-Fire Drills Set to Anger Pyongyang

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2023-05-25 01:08:42

Biden calls Xi a 'dictator,' fueling Chinese anger

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2023-06-21 14:12:28

Sweden Quran burning sparks anger across Muslim world

A protester set several pages of the holy Muslim text alight at a protest in Stockholm on Wednesday.
2023-06-29 15:12:55


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